Our March club meeting is scheduled for March 24th.This is to let you know that there WILL BE a club meeting this month, on Thursday…
Plant Red – Show Your Garden Pride during the Year of the Garden Invitation: Inviting all Canadians to plant something red to express their Canadian…
Good morning all. Our next virtual club meeting will be next Thursday, February 17th at 7:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Matthew Dressing and…
Welcome back club members and those visiting the site. Here we are in another year of Covid and facing at least the start of our…
The next meeting of the Ajax Garden Club will be this coming Thursday November 18th, starting at 7 pm. SEVEN PM. on Zoom. We know…
Join us on Thursday October 28th for out next virtual meeting via Zoom. Our guest speaker will be Joanne Rachfalowski. Her presentation is titled:“LEARN HOW…
Join us October 28th for our next virtual meeting via Zoom.The topic is: “Learn how to care for, decorate with, propagate, and enjoy your houseplants!”…
REMINDER: Virtual Meeting this Thursday, September 16th. With Karen Stephenson talking about “Edible Wilds”.Join via Zoom using this link at 7pm. Presentation to start at…
September 16 Meeting: “Edible Wilds” with Karen Stephenson. (Rescheduled from August 19th) Time: 7:30 pm Join us via Zoom for a presentation by Karen Stephenson…
A couple of reminders about our August 19th virtual meeting: Here is the invitation for this week’s club meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87197855846?pwd=c054bzFSUzNZd0lNSFlZRUZraDBRZz09 Meeting ID: 871 9785 5846…